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Audio Mastering Service

If you've ever tried to produce a record, you'd know that it goes through several stages before it's finally ready for distribution. You do some planning first, record the piece, mix all the different layers of audio together to create a final track and then subject it to audio mastering service - (a technique that polishes your music and gives it a professional touch).

Audio mastering service is thus important, especially in an era where gaining a competitive edge is essential for success. In essence, it is a process that's wedged in between the “final mix down and release.”

Mixing gives you an opportunity to fix issues -reduce extraneous noise, remove glitches and more; you spend hours and days and think you've got it right. You're excited that you've created a splendid piece of music, so you record the songs and are all ready to listen to it. When you do listen, your ear can still detect flaws—some songs are too loud, some barely audible—a little disjointed perhaps, so many small things don't seem right. Not to worry.

That's where Audio Mastering can help, it’s the last chance to remedy any flaws that still remain even after Mixing. It's a sort of fine-tuning of music before it's actually broadcast. There are 'mastering engineers' that specialize in this job.

So what happens during Audio Mastering?

It's essentially a thorough cleaning up process where you start snipping of those small bits that you really don't need and use techniques to make the music sound really good. Sound levels are optimized using compression, Equalization is used to balance the sound with reference to other tracks, fix minor frequency issues, and take out all those noises that you happened to overlook while mixing. The right amount of compression or equalization can impact the entire track.

The mastering engineer works in an acoustically treated room using special audio equipment, hardware and software. Intuitive music skills and experienced ears gained after listening to scores and scores of music belonging to different genres come into play. The music is subjected to such a cleansing that the ultimate product has a professional ring to it. Each track of music is individually treated and sometimes require different solutions as no two tracks are same. The engineer also rearranges the tracks after adjusting the space between them.

Mastering is an art and a mastering engineer who does his/her job well will be able to make an ordinary track good and a good one much better. There's more to music than meets your ear—let the engineer decide what tweaking has to be done.

When you create an album, you obviously want it to stand up against commercially produced music and be played on many sound systems. As albums are created all the time, audio mastering service is always in demand.


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