Mastering Environment
The proper mastering environment is very important to the perception of the overall sound. Trying to master in any location will result in missed imperfections that can only be heard in a treated mastering studio. Without being in the proper listening area can have your ears hearing sounds or acoustics that interfere with the process. They are the sounds that are based on the type of room you are in and must be controlled.
Mastering music in the right environment provides the advantage of allowing the engineer to pin point what a song needs in order to be mastered the correct way. Arrangement and setup is also important because having speakers in bad locations can have misleading perceptions when listen to playback of a song.
If you have ever noticed that when you walk to a different location in a room while listening to music, you might have noticed that there is more bass sound in that location. This is an example of the need for sound traps which will be discussed later.